If There is Hell Below (est. 2010) is a weekly new music podcast presented by two best pals Rob Morgan and Callum Eckersley. Each week they bring in 12 new tracks, have a few beers, chat about their favourite finds of the week and joke about life.

Living in An Anxiety Dream

Living in An Anxiety Dream

Listen to this episode now on Spotify
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Rob and Callum's last podcast in the 300s and you know it's one of the most free-flowing podcasts of the year, your boys are in fine form chatting anxiety dreams and teenage jobs but don't worry the tunes bang. If you like the eclectic and varied sound of UK jazz, British takes on Oz indie, modern takes on proto-metal, luxury sophistopop listening and some tangy country folk... you've come to the right place.



Rickets and a Massive Right Arm

Rickets and a Massive Right Arm