If There is Hell Below (est. 2010) is a weekly new music podcast presented by two best pals Rob Morgan and Callum Eckersley. Each week they bring in 12 new tracks, have a few beers, chat about their favourite finds of the week and joke about life.

The Ballad of Callum and Brandon

The Ballad of Callum and Brandon


This is the 299 ITHB Podcast and it arrives with you as Callum is honeymooning and Rob is left waiting for his mate on this stinking isle
Our last recorded selections with Callum as a single man he's bought in that laid back jangle of Ducktails, the mindboggling flow of Mr. Muthafuckin eXquire,the ferocious punk of N8NOFACE, the ridiculously D'Angelo funk of Live.E and the incredibleness of Jessica Lea Mayfield. Rob's still single for now but bought in some hevay psych-prog from ORB, the considered bedroom pop of What Moon Things, the midi funk of MIDI Cable and sme rarely spooted shoegaze from Grooms. Check it, history arrive on our next episode.

300: The Goodest Shit

300: The Goodest Shit

Squashed Frog

Squashed Frog